Beekeeping Links

Some links to useful information:

Dave Cushman – a wealth of beekeeping information.

BeeBase – BeeBase is the Animal and Plant Health Agency’s (APHA) National Bee Unit website. It contains a huge library of Advisory Leaflets, Training Manuals & Fact Sheets useful for beekeepers. Signing up and registering your colonies means you can be notified of any serious diseases spreading to your area.

BeeConnected – bringing farmers and beekeepers together, and keeping beekeepers notified when a neighbouring farmer is applying insecticides to their crops. Sign up if you keep bees in rural areas and ask neighbouring farmers to do the same.

BeeCraft magazine – possibly the best reason for joining your local association, the BeeCraft subscription builds up into a invaluable resource for beekeepers. Even if you’re not an SBKA member, it’s well worth signing up for.

BDI: Bee Diseases Insurance – BDI is a registered community benefit society that compensates insured beekeepers in England and Wales for equipment losses when their colonies have had to be destroyed or treated by a Bee Inspector as a result of being infected by a notifiable disease. It also supports research into the causes of bee diseases.